Montessori recognized the child’s need for a language-rich environment more than a hundred years ago. She advocated babies’ exposure to the spoken word used in the context of everyday life. She recognized adults’ role in promoting rich vocabulary and grammatically correct use of language. She also acknowledged the child’s inherent potential to absorb and learn several languages at the same time, if used in appropriate social context.
She introduced phonics because it gave young children the opportunity to encode words using the one to one correspondence between the phonemes and graphemes, between the letter sounds and shapes. She added the kinaesthetic experience to the sounds and shapes in the form of the sandpaper letters.
Children trace the shape of the letter as they see it, say it and feel it. The sandpaper letters (using a lower case cursive or script alphabet) are used by Blooming Montessori Plus Montessori settings. They give a solid start to recognizing as well as reproducing the letters of the alphabet.
BILINGUAL EDUCATION: Our lessons are generally though both in English and French in the classrooms. We have French nationals at the school to speak with right pronunciation to the children. Both Languages are also enforced using songs, poems, and communication on the school premises.