After-School Programme


Zumbini for children includes the popular Zumbini Fitness music, rhythms, and beats alongside Zumbini movement broken into child friendly routines, giving children an outlet to hop, move, shake, and swing their hips, it’s the ideal formula for wellness and fun. Zumbini likewise includes age-fitting diversions and exercises, helping children gain coordination, self-assurance, conquer fears, find out about collaboration, and substantially more.

Drama is being recognized as one of the most effective ways to develop soft skills and emotional intelligence in children and young people, skills that are often not developed through the traditional education system. Drama promotes communication skills, teamwork, dialogue, negotiation, socialization. It stimulates the imagination and creativity.

Music/ Dance Children learn new things, like sounds, words and patterns through music, and with dance, they’ll explore and manage their body’s movements. These activities are nice for development and stimulate connections within the growing brain.


Swimming is one of the simplest types of physical activity. For children, it provides a way of exercise whereas also being fun and pleasant. Swimming offers a full host of physical advantages like rising your child’s overall strength, flexibility, providing hi/her with an excellent vessel to sweat so promoting good heart and respiratory health, and increase in stamina. Additionally, it helps to enhance balance and posture of the child.

  • YOGA

Children derive massive advantages from yoga. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. Additionally, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves. Doing yoga, children exercise and increase their tolerance levels.

Ballet offers sure academic or psychological feature advantages. Ballet coaching exposes students to a mixture of movement, music and performance. Ballet may facilitate children to forge new friendships, overcome timidity or awkwardness in society.


During Cooking, children are able to pretend to be doing what they see mum’s/ adults do at home in the kitchen, this gives them some sense of responsibility and satisfaction. Children learn by touching, tasting, feeling, smelling, and listening. They will prepare easy snacks like fruits dish, sandwiches, fruit kebab. Cookery with children provides sensible expertise with several essential skills like reading, following directions, and activity.

  • TAEKWONDO                                    

One of the advantages of taekwondo is that it aids in a child’s strength and balance. Arm and leg muscles become stronger as a child practices strikes. Learning the patterns and sequences of taekwondo needs concentration and a spotlight, and sparring needs specialize in each one’s self and one’s opponent in other to win.


There are no limits to children’s mind picturing, and arts are a great way for them to turn that mind picturing into something more, with a tendency to produce. They might even discover an amusement /special interest, like drawing, that can later become income earning activity, like graphic design.